Businesswomen leave generous tips, but they’re impatient both in line and once seated.Becoming familiar with their patience levels will be a big help. There are six types of customers in Diner Dash, all with different attributes. The running shoes give Flo a boost when walking, which helps her do just about everything quicker! Types of Customers.The oven helps cook meals faster, allowing you to get them out in less time.This allows you to spend less time behind the podium (if you have one.) The performer will entertain those still in line.Who doesn’t like to rock out to some tunes? The stereo will keep the customers at the tables patient and happy.The following upgrades are only available in Endless Shift mode, which you can find tips for a little ways down the page. You just better be quick with their requests. The drink and snack stations will help keep customers happy.Just plop Flo down behind it to watch their hearts expand.

The podium allows you to keep the customers in line happy.Over the course of your waitressing career you’ll gain access to various upgrades. But wait! Don’t touch those curly locks of yours! Things will be a lot easier with these Diner Dash cheats, tips, and hints! Types of Upgrades

As business picks up, things will get more stressful, and you’re likely to rip your hair out. But as good as it is, it’s also pretty difficult, increasingly so as the game goes on. And judging by our review of Diner Dash 5, the series is still going strong. Diner Dash is a hell of a lot of fun, there’s no debating that.